Results for 'Review by: Guy Fletcher'

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  1.  29
    Review: Russ Shafer-Landau, ed., Oxford Studies in Metaethics. [REVIEW]Review by: Guy Fletcher - 2014 - Ethics 125 (1):282-288.
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    Dear Prudence, written by Guy Fletcher [Review]. [REVIEW]Neil Sinclair - 2023 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 20 (3-4):346-349.
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  3. Review of Richard Kraut’s What is Good And Why: The Ethics of Well-Being. [REVIEW]Guy Fletcher - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):576-8.
    Anyone familiar with Richard Kraut's work in ancient philosophy will be excited to see him putting aside the dusty tomes of the ancients and delving into ethics first-hand. He does not disappoint. His book is a lucid and wide-ranging discussion that provides at least the core of an ethical theory and an appealing set of answers to a range of ethical questions.Kraut aims to provide an alternative to utilitarianism that preserves the good-centred nature of that theory. He claims that all (...)
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    The Philosophy of Well-Being: An Introduction, written by Guy Fletcher[REVIEW]Anthony Kelley - 2019 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 16 (5):679-682.
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  5. Review of Guy Fletcher and Michael Ridge, Having it Both Ways: Hybrid Theories and Modern Metaethics. [REVIEW]Wouter Kalf - 2015 - Ethical Perspectives 22 (3):725-729.
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    Review of Guy Fletcher and Michael Ridge, eds., Having It Both Ways: Hybrid Theories and Modern Metaethics. [REVIEW]Caj Strandberg - 2016 - Ethics 126 (2):500-505.
  7. Moral Utterances, Attitude Expression, and Implicature.Guy Fletcher - 2014 - In Guy Fletcher & Michael R. Ridge (eds.), Having It Both Ways: Hybrid Theories and Modern Metaethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This paper examines implicaturist hybrid theories by examining how closely attitude expression by moral utterances fits with the varieties of implicature (conventional, particular conversational, generalized conversational) using five standard criteria for implicature: indeterminacy (§3), reinforceability (§4), non-detachability (§5), cancellability (§6), and calculability (§7). I argue (1) that conventional implicature is a clear non-starter as a model of attitude expression by moral utterances (2) that generalised conversational implicature yields the most plausible implicaturist hybrid but (3) that a non-implicaturist, and non-hybrid, alternative (...)
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  8. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being.Guy Fletcher (ed.) - 2015 - New York,: Routledge.
    The concept of well-being is one of the oldest and most important topics in philosophy and ethics, going back to ancient Greek philosophy and Aristotle. Following the boom in happiness studies in the last few years it has moved to centre stage, grabbing media headlines and the attention of scientists, psychologists and economists. Yet little is actually known about well-being and it is an idea often poorly articulated. The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Well-Being provides a comprehensive, outstanding guide and (...)
  9. The Locative Analysis of Good For Formulated and Defended.Guy Fletcher - 2012 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy (JESP) 6 (1):1-27.
    THE STRUCTURE OF THIS PAPER IS AS FOLLOWS. I begin §1 by dealing with preliminary issues such as the different relations expressed by the “good for” locution. I then (§2) outline the Locative Analysis of good for and explain its main elements before moving on to (§3) outlining and discussing the positive features of the view. In the subsequent sections I show how the Locative Analysis can respond to objections from, or inspired by, Sumner (§4-5), Regan (§6), and Schroeder and (...)
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  10. Review of Guy Fletcher’s Dear Prudence. [REVIEW]Christopher Frugé - 2021 - Utilitas 33 (4):505-509.
  11.  36
    Review of Guy Fletcher: Dear Prudence: the nature and normativity of prudential discourse[REVIEW]Jennifer Hawkins - 2023 - Ethics 134 (2):284-290.
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  12. (1 other version)Taking Prudence Seriously.Guy Fletcher - 2019 - Oxford Studies in Metaethics 14:70-94.
    Philosophers have long theorized about which things make people’s lives go well, and why, and the extent to which morality and self-interest can be reconciled. Yet little time has been spent on meta-prudential questions, questions about prudential discourse. This is surprising given that prudence is, prima facie, a normative form of discourse and, as such, cries out for further investigation. Chapter 4 takes up two major meta-prudential questions. It first examines whether there is a set of prudential reasons, generated by (...)
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    Review of Ben Eggleston, Dale Miller & David Weinstein (eds.), John Stuart Mill and the Art of Life. [REVIEW]Guy Fletcher - 2011 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.
  14. Against Contextualism about Prudential Discourse.Guy Fletcher - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (277):699-720.
    In recent times, there has been a surge of interest in, and enthusiasm for, contextualist views about prudential discourse — thought and talk about what has prudential value or contributes to someone’s well-being. In this paper I examine and reject two cases for radical forms of prudential contextualism, proposed by Anna Alexandrova and Steve Campbell. Alexandrova holds that the semantic content of terms like ‘well-being’ and ‘doing well’ varies across contexts. Campbell proposes that there are plural prudential concepts at play (...)
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  15. The consistency of qualitative hedonism and the value of (at least some) malicious pleasures.Guy Fletcher - 2008 - Utilitas 20 (4):462-471.
    In this article, I examine two of the standard objections to forms of value hedonism. The first is the common claim, most famously made by Bradley and Moore, that Mill's qualitative hedonism is inconsistent. The second is the apparent problem for quantitative hedonism in dealing with malicious pleasures. I argue that qualitative hedonism is consistent, even if it is implausible on other grounds. I then go on to show how our intuitions about malicious pleasure might be misleading.
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  16. Resisting buck-passing accounts of prudential value.Guy Fletcher - 2012 - Philosophical Studies 157 (1):77-91.
    This paper aims to cast doubt upon a certain way of analysing prudential value (or good for ), namely in the manner of a ‘buck-passing’ analysis. It begins by explaining why we should be interested in analyses of good for and the nature of buck-passing analyses generally (§I). It moves on to considering and rejecting two sets of buck-passing analyses. The first are analyses that are likely to be suggested by those attracted to the idea of analysing good for in (...)
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  17. A Painful End for Perfectionism?Guy Fletcher - 2022 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 46:233-250.
    This paper examines perfectionist attempts to explain the prudential badness of pain (its badness for those who experience it). It starts by considering simple perfectionist explanations, finding them wanting, before considering the most sophisticated perfectionist attempt to explain prudential badness: Gwen Bradford’s tripartite perfectionism. The paper argues that Bradford’s view, though an improvement on earlier perfectionist proposals, still does not satisfactorily explain the full set of prudentially bad pains. It ends by showing how this provides grounds for a general kind (...)
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    Philosophy for Everyone: second edition.Matthew Chrisman, Duncan Pritchard, Guy Fletcher, Elinor Mason, Jane Suilin Lavelle, Michela Massimi, Alasdair Richmond & Dave Ward - 2016 - Routledge.
    Philosophy for Everyone begins by explaining what philosophy is before exploring the questions and issues at the foundation of this important subject. Key topics in this new edition and their areas of focus include: Moral philosophy – the nature of our moral judgments and reactions, whether they aim at some objective moral truth, or are mere personal or cultural preferences; and the possibility of moral responsibility given the sorts of things that cause behavior; Political philosophy – fundamental questions about the (...)
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  19. Mill, Moore, and Intrinsic Value.Guy Fletcher - 2008 - Social Theory and Practice 34 (4):517-32.
    In this paper, I examine how philosophers before and after G. E. Moore understood intrinsic value. The main idea I wish to bring out and defend is that Moore was insufficiently attentive to how distinctive his conception of intrinsic value was, as compared with those of the writers he discussed, and that such inattentiveness skewed his understanding of the positions of others that he discussed and dismissed. My way into this issue is by examining the charge of inconsistency that Moore (...)
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  20. Mill’s Art Of Life.Guy Fletcher - 2016 - In Christopher Macleod & Dale E. Miller (eds.), A Companion to Mill. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. pp. 295–312.
    Towards the end of A System of Logic, John Stuart Mill makes some intriguing, suggestive, and neglected claims about what he calls “The Art of Life”. Despite the comparatively little attention that the Art of Life has received in the extensive scholarly literature on Mill, it turns out to be extremely important to understanding his moral philosophy and his practical philosophy more generally. It reveals Mill to be a considerably more subtle philosopher than it would otherwise seem. It also insulates (...)
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  21. On Hatzimoysis on sentimental value.Guy Fletcher - 2009 - Philosophia 37 (1):149-152.
    Despite its apparent ubiquity, philosophers have not talked much about sentimental value. One exception is Anthony Hatzimoysis (The Philosophical Quarterly 53:373–379, 2003). Those who wish to take sentimental value seriously are likely to make use of Christine Korsgaard’s ideas on two distinctions in value. In this paper I show that Hatzimoysis has misrendered Korsgaard’s insight in his discussion of sentimental value. I begin by briefly summarising Korsgaard’s idea before showing how Hatzimoysis’ treatment of it is mistaken.
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  22. Reviewed by Elena Isayev.Guy Bradley - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (4):279-288.
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  23. Variable versus fixed-rate rule-utilitarianism.Brad Hooker & Guy Fletcher - 2008 - Philosophical Quarterly 58 (231):344–352.
    Fixed-rate versions of rule-consequentialism and rule-utilitarianism evaluate rules in terms of the expected net value of one particular level of social acceptance, but one far enough below 100% social acceptance to make salient the complexities created by partial compliance. Variable-rate versions of rule-consequentialism and rule-utilitarianism instead evaluate rules in terms of their expected net value at all different levels of social acceptance. Brad Hooker has advocated a fixed-rate version. Michael Ridge has argued that the variable-rate version is better. The debate (...)
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  24. Angèle Kremer-Marietti, Entre le signe et l'histoire: l'anthropologie positiviste d'Auguste Comte Reviewed by.Guy Lafrance - 1984 - Philosophy in Review 4 (3):116-117.
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  25. David Carroll, The Subject in Question. The Languages of Theory and the Strategies of Fiction Reviewed by.Guy Bouchard - 1984 - Philosophy in Review 4 (1):12-15.
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  26. Paul Marcel Lemaire, Les signes sauvages. Une philosophie du langage ordinaire Reviewed by.Guy Bouchard - 1981 - Philosophy in Review 1 (2/3):92-96.
    Cet ouvrage se veut une réhabilitation du "langage ordinaire" cherchant à dévoiler ses "virtualités" et à "jeter un pont entre ce langage et celui de la philosophie" pour leur mutuelle sauvegarde. Il s'agit d'une entreprise phénoménologique qui, malheureusement, repose sur des soi-disant "évidences", sur une sorte de terrorisme argumentait opposant le bien (ce qui est vivant, spontané, dynamique, etc.) au mal (ce qui est inerte, mort, pétrifié, etc.), et sur la simple affirmation de ce que les "gens ordinaires" sont censés (...)
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  27. Hume's Morality: Feeling and Fabrication – Rachel Cohon. [REVIEW]Guy Fletcher - 2010 - Philosophical Quarterly 60 (241):861-863.
  28. Marc Eli Blanchard, Description: Sign, Self, Desire. Critical Theory in the Wake of Semiotics Reviewed by.Guy Bouchard - 1982 - Philosophy in Review 2 (1):1-5.
    L'auteur se demande en quoi la sémiotique se distingue d'une part des approches traditionnelles de la littérature, d'autre part du structuralisme. Trois thèmes circulent à travers les divers chapitres: (1) la relativisation de l'analyse structurale au profit de la "sémio-stylistique"; (2) la promotion de la description aux dépens de la narration; (3) l'importance de la pastorale dans l'histoire de la littérature. Ces thèmes sont développés clairement, et l'auteur tient compte, entre autres, des apports de la philosophie contemporaine à la théorie (...)
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  29. Fairness and Utility in Tort Theory.George P. Fletcher - 1972 - Harvard Law Review 85 (3):537-573.
    Professor Fletcher challenges the traditional account of the development of tort doctrine as a shift from an unmoral standard of strict liability for directly causing harm to a moral standard based on fault. He then sets out two paradigms of liability to serve as constructs for understanding competing ideological viewpoints about the proper role of tort sanctions. He asserts that the paradigm of reciprocity, which looks only to the degree of risk imposed by the parties to a lawsuit on (...)
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    Plato's Moral Psychology: Intellectualism, the Divided Soul, and the Desire for Good by Rachana Kamtekar.Emily Fletcher - 2020 - Philosophical Review 129 (4):643-646.
  31. Sense of agency in health and disease: a review of cue integration approaches. [REVIEW]James W. Moore & P. C. Fletcher - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):59-68.
    Sense of agency is a compelling but fragile experience that is augmented or attenuated by internal signals and by external cues. A disruption in SoA may characterise individual symptoms of mental illness such as delusions of control. Indeed, it has been argued that generic SoA disturbances may lie at the heart of delusions and hallucinations that characterise schizophrenia. A clearer understanding of how sensorimotor, perceptual and environmental cues complement, or compete with, each other in engendering SoA may prove valuable in (...)
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    Incidental Findings in CT Colonography: Literature Review and Survey of Current Research Practice.Hassan Siddiki, J. G. Fletcher, Beth McFarland, Nora Dajani, Nicholas Orme, Barbara Koenig, Marguerite Strobel & Susan M. Wolf - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):320-331.
    Incidental fndings of potential medical signifcance are seen in approximately 5-8 percent of asymptomatic subjects and 16 percent of symptomatic subjects participating in large computed tomography colonography studies, with the incidence varying further by CT acquisition technique. While most CTC research programs have a well-defned plan to detect and disclose IFs, such plans are largely communicated only verbally. Written consent documents should also inform subjects of how IFs of potential medical signifcance will be detected and reported in CTC research studies.
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    An Ethical Life: A Practical Guide to Ethical Reasoning by Richard Kyte.Christine Fletcher - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):191-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:An Ethical Life: A Practical Guide to Ethical Reasoning by Richard KyteChristine FletcherAn Ethical Life: A Practical Guide to Ethical Reasoning Richard Kyte WINONA, NM: ANSELM ACADEMIC, 2012. 254 PP. $25.95Richard Kyte's introductory guide to ethics is designed to meet three concerns about current ethics textbooks: they tend to decrease students' confidence in their ability to think, they inculcate a distrust of deliberative processes, and they create an (...)
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    From Passion to Paschal Mystery: A Recent Magisterial Development concerning the Christological Foundation of the Sacraments by Dominic M. Langevin, O.P.O. S. B. Guy Mansini - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (3):467-471.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:From Passion to Paschal Mystery: A Recent Magisterial Development concerning the Christological Foundation of the Sacraments by Dominic M. Langevin, O.PGuy Mansini O.S.B.From Passion to Paschal Mystery: A Recent Magisterial Development concerning the Christological Foundation of the Sacraments. By Dominic M. Langevin, O.P. Fribourg: Academic Press Fribourg, 2015. Pp. x + 403. 69,00 CHF (paper). ISBN 978-3-7278-1728-3.The “magisterial development” of the title of this monograph consists of the (...)
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    Peer Review and Beyond: Towards a Dialogical Approach of Quality in Ethics Support.Guy A. M. Widdershoven, Bert Molewijk & Suzanne Metselaar - 2018 - In Stuart G. Finder & Mark J. Bliton (eds.), Peer Review, Peer Education, and Modeling in the Practice of Clinical Ethics Consultation: The Zadeh Project. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 193-203.
    In this chapter we reflect on the relevance of peer review for assessing the quality of clinical ethics consultation. We contend that peer review in the narrative form as presented in this book provides an alternative to the formal clinical ethics consultation review procedures typically found in the clinical ethics literature. We elaborate on peer review as a reflection on clinical ethics consultation practice, the elements which a story should contain in order to provide a basis (...)
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    (1 other version)Modality in physics.Samuel C. Fletcher - 2018 - In Otávio Bueno & Scott A. Shalkowski (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Modality. New York: Routledge.
    This review concerns the notions of physical possibility and necessity as they are informed by contemporary physical theories and the reconstructive explications of past physical theories according to present standards. Its primary goal is twofold: first, to motivate and introduce a range of accessible issues of philosophical relevance around these notions; and second, to provide extensive references to the research literature on them. Although I will have occasion to comment on the direction and shape of this literature, pointing out (...)
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    Whodunnit? Unpicking the 'seems' of free will.Guy Claxton - 1999 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 6 (8-9):8-9.
    The cornerstone of the dominant folk theory of free will is the presumption that conscious intentions are, at least sometimes, causally related to subsequent ‘voluntary’ actions. Like all folk theories that have become ‘second nature', this model skews perception and cognition to highlight phenomena and interpretations that are consistent with itself, and pathologize or render invisible those that are not. A variety of experimental, neurological and everyday phenomena are reviewed that cumulatively cast doubt on this comforting folk model. An alternative (...)
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    Abortion Needs or Abortion Rights? Claiming State Accountability for Women’s Reproductive Welfare: Family Planning Association of Northern Ireland v. Minister for Health, Social Services and Public Safety.Ruth Fletcher - 2005 - Feminist Legal Studies 13 (1):123-134.
    The Family Planning Association Northern Ireland (F.P.A.N.I.) has recently been successful in holding the state accountable for its duty to safeguard women’s reproductive health and welfare, and clarify the circumstances in which abortion is lawful. By demanding that the Minister for Health investigate abortion provision and produce abortion guidance, F.P.A.N.I. hope to improve the quality of abortion services and alleviate the situation of those women who are legally entitled to abortion in Northern Ireland but cannot access it there. This action (...)
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    Nux Elegia. Doctoral Dissertation by Sjoerd Wartena. Pp. 106. Groningen: P. Noordhoff, 1928.G. B. A. Fletcher - 1929 - The Classical Review 43 (04):153-.
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  40. Review of Aesthetic Order by Ruth Lorand. [REVIEW]Guy Rohrbaugh - 2002 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 60.
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    Review Essay: Aquinas, Modern Theology, and the Trinity.O. S. B. Guy Mansini - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1415-1420.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Review Essay:Aquinas, Modern Theology, and the TrinityGuy Mansini O.S.B.As one would expect from his Incarnate Lord, Thomas Joseph White's Trinity is no exercise in historical theology, although of course it calls on history, but aims to give us St. Thomas's theology as an enduring and so contemporary theology that both respects the creedal commitments of the Catholic Church and offers a more satisfying understanding of the Trinity than (...)
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  42. Learning to recognise objects.Guy Wallis & Heinrich Bülthoff - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (1):22-31.
    Evidence from neurophysiological and psychological studies is coming together to shed light on how we represent and recognize objects. This review describes evidence supporting two major hypotheses: the first is that objects are represented in a mosaic-like form in which objects are encoded by combinations of complex, reusable features, rather than two-dimensional templates, or three-dimensional models. The second hypothesis is that transform-invariant representations of objects are learnt through experience, and that this learning is affected by the temporal sequence in (...)
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    Couples Coping Together: A Scoping Review of the Quantitative and Qualitative Evidence and Conceptual Work Across Three Decades.Katharina Weitkamp & Guy Bodenmann - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:876455.
    Dyadic coping (DC), how couples cope together to deal with a stressor like chronic illness, has received increased attention over the last three decades. The aim of the current study was to summarize the current state of research on DC in couples. We conducted a scoping review of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods studies published between 1990 and 2020, assessing DC in couples during three decades. 5,705 studies were identified in three electronic databases and hand searches. We included 643 sources (...)
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  44. François Duchesneau et Guy Lafrance et Claude Piché, ed., Kant actuel: Hommage a Pierre Laberge Reviewed by.Julie Custeau - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21 (3):170-172.
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  45. John Fletcher and Andrew Benjamin, eds., Abjection, Melancholia, and Love: The Work of Julia Kristeva Reviewed by.Andrea Nye - 1991 - Philosophy in Review 11 (1):29-31.
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  46. Achieving Knowledge: A Virtue-Theoretic Account of Epistemic Normativity. By John Greco. (Cambridge UP, 2010. Pp. x + 205. Price £17.99/US$29.99.).Guy Axtell - 2012 - Philosophical Quarterly 62 (246):208-211.
    A Review of John Greco's book Acheiving Knowledge. The critical points I make involve three claims Greco makes that represent common ground between the reliabilists (including agent reliabilists like himself) and the character epistemologists (which would include myself): I. Such virtues are often needed to make our cognitive abilities reliable (to turn mere faculties into excellences); II. Such virtues might be essentially involved in goods other than knowledge; III. Such virtues might be valuable in themselves.
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    Organizing: Should the Employer Have a Say?Guy Davidov & Pnina Alon-Shenker - 2016 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 17 (1):63-100.
    Israeli courts were recently faced with the question whether an employer is allowed to voice objections to unionization during an organizing drive. Since the legislation fails to provide an answer to this question, it was up to the courts to come up with a solution. The National Labor Court in Histadrut v. Pelephone held that employers have no say and must refrain from any communications whatsoever with the workers regarding the decision whether or not to join the union. The Supreme (...)
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  48. Beyond sacrificial harm: A two-dimensional model of utilitarian psychology.Guy Kahane, Jim A. C. Everett, Brian D. Earp, Lucius Caviola, Nadira S. Faber, Molly J. Crockett & Julian Savulescu - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (2):131-164.
    Recent research has relied on trolley-type sacrificial moral dilemmas to study utilitarian versus nonutili- tarian modes of moral decision-making. This research has generated important insights into people’s attitudes toward instrumental harm—that is, the sacrifice of an individual to save a greater number. But this approach also has serious limitations. Most notably, it ignores the positive, altruistic core of utilitarianism, which is characterized by impartial concern for the well-being of everyone, whether near or far. Here, we develop, refine, and validate a (...)
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    Some Recent Work on Nietzsche’s Ethical Thought.Guy Elgat - 2020 - Nietzsche Studien 49 (1):316-328.
    An important question in Nietzsche studies is whether Nietzsche has an ethics to offer his readers; whether, that is, he has a concept of the good, or the just, or the virtuous that can serve as some sort of an ethical guide. An additional, methodological question is whether, in search of an answer, one should focus on a specific period in his thinking, study the evolution of his thought, or attempt to extract an over-arching view that draws on texts from (...)
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    The Consultant's Credentials. [REVIEW]John C. Fletcher - 1995 - Hastings Center Report 25 (4):39.
    Book reviewed in this article: Ethics Consultation: A Practical Guide. By John LaPuma and David Schiedermayer. The Health Care Ethics Consultant. Edited by Françoise E. Baylis.
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